External Area Selective Garbage Collection
Garbage collection times:
Dry garbage: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8am.
Organic Waste: Monday to Saturday until 1pm.
Garden Garbage: Monday to Friday until 1pm, on Fridays it must be placed for collection only until 12pm.
Garbage storage:
Dry garbage: store in a BLUE bag.
Organic waste: Store in a BLACK bag.
Information call: 3277-8008 or 8008
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Useful Phones
Firefighters 193
Firefighters Belém Novo 3259-1238
Military Brigade 190
Belém Novo Military Brigade 3241-8877 / 3268-0478
Restinga Brigade 3250-1265
CEEE 24h 0800 7212333
Post Office 0800 570 0100
Complaint Dial 181
DMAE 115
EPTC 118
Procon 151
SAMU 192
Toxicology 0800 780 200
Health Surveillance 150